Para que o Anti-Cristo assuma o poder ele necessitará de considerável estratégia. Não bastará firmar-se com apoio de magos, bruxos, ocultistas e religiosos, sociedades ocultas de toda espécie, tentando tomar pela força o poder político. No filme Sherlock Holmes, com Robert Downey Jr no papel principal, verificamos como poderia seri uma dessas tentativas frustradas.
O plano do reino passageiro necessita ser diversificado, dissimulado, abrangente. Tal plano possui (possui, não possuirá ) várias etapas, e necessita capitalizar ou compatibilizar milhares de atividades humanas, centenas de disciplinas do conhecimento. No nosso mundo temos complexas relações sociais, econômicas, tecnológicas, religiosas e políticas. Somos regidos por uma pluralidade de relações jurídicas, leis internacionais, convenções, tratados, códigos diversos, normas, padrões.
O plano do reino passageiro necessita ser diversificado, dissimulado, abrangente. Tal plano possui (possui, não possuirá ) várias etapas, e necessita capitalizar ou compatibilizar milhares de atividades humanas, centenas de disciplinas do conhecimento. No nosso mundo temos complexas relações sociais, econômicas, tecnológicas, religiosas e políticas. Somos regidos por uma pluralidade de relações jurídicas, leis internacionais, convenções, tratados, códigos diversos, normas, padrões.
Migramos para um mundo conectado, relações computacionais que fazem parte do dia a dia, redes sociais, indexadores, blogosfera, conectividade via MSN, Skype, migração de nossa memória (fotos) e relacionamentos (contatos) para a nuvem (web). O mundo do papel tornou-se em poucos anos, o mundo dos bytes, da interação virtual. Hoje caminhamos para outro patamar que é o da telecomunicação se fundindo com a internet. E logo também a televisão, onde possivelmente não conversaremos sem visualizar com quem falamos.
A REDE é hoje uma realidade social, ela já coopera com mudanças de aproximações culturais, modificações lingüísticas, e o sistema financeiro mundial também dela se tornou dependente.
Toda ferramenta humana pode ser usada adequadamente ou para o mal. A natureza humana não conhece ferramenta que não possa ser usada para ferir ao outro. A bíblia usada de modo errado pode destruir pessoas. Mesmo sentimentos, a paixão pode adoecer e até desesperar, a sexualidade dada ao ser humano como uma benção pode ser transtornada, se tornar motivo de tormento, opressão, e mesmo angustia quando dominada por aspectos outros que não o propósito original que era de ser vinculo entre duas pessoas que se amam, exemplo da escravidão sexual, da prostituição, do estupro, da pornografia. A lei cuja essência é a justiça pode ser deturpada para beneficiar a alguns em detrimento de poucos. O Estado hoje era para ser uma evolução das estruturas políticas do passado para dar qualidade de vida ao povo, a uma nação. O estado totalitário inverte a ordem das coisas exemplo da ditadura que ceifou centenas de vida no Brasil, transformando-se em instrumento de destruição. Lideres políticos deveriam representar os grupos que o elegeram com a visão do bem-estar geral, munido de interesses gerais. Stalin, lider soviético matou para se manter no poder, 50 milhões de pessoas. Na REDE existem lutas internas colossais pelo seu domínio, existe desde peneira de informações, até mecanismos que podem a se tornar ferramentas de controle ideológico. Isto já ocorre em nível de propaganda há anos. No que você consome, no que nós lemos, existem vários modos de você induzir, enfatizar, generalizar posturas, filosofias de vida, padrões de consumo, para atender a um mercado, a um modismo, a um movimento cultural, porque alguém está interessado em te vender alguma coisa. Ou que você não saiba de alguma coisa. As empresas praticam jogos de poder, tem as oligarquias, os cartéis, os monopólios, etc. Nos séculos anteriores a Inglaterra interviu fortemente para que o Brasil entrasse numa guerra que dizimou a população do Paraguai, que despontava com desejo de industrializar-se. A Exxon dominou o panorama do petróleo por dezenas de anos com práticas que beiram a insanidade moral. O aço do mundo é hoje quase que totalmente dominado por um único grupo econômico. Toda a economia da terra gera em torno de 50 grandes empresas, cujas ramificações abrangem milhares de outras. O Shogunato (Japão) caiu por causa da necessidade econômica que alguns grupos possuíam de realizar investimentos naquele país. Hitler foi financiado por um dos grupos que ainda está no cenário financeiro mundial até hoje. A base financeira do futuro governo do anticristo necessita ter em suas mãos as rédeas do mercado financeiro, a interação religiosa, o domínio do fornecimento de alimentos, as chaves das indústrias químicas, o poder do petróleo, a mudança dos códigos de leis internacionais, a ideologia propagada através dos meios de mídia existente e para tal o controle do conteúdo televisivo, da mídia da web e telefônica, a propagação de sua filosofia através da literatura. Sem percebam que isso tudo está interconectado, sem que a humanidade entenda que está sendo manipulada. A moda já faz isso a tempo. Veja a magreza das modelos, a manipulação fotográficas das capas de revistas, a ditadura da beleza. Há uma acusação formalizada de que a mulher americana jamais viu nas revistas de moda o verdadeiro rosto de uma mulher de 50 anos. Por cerca de 30 anos a televisão brasileira retratou famílias em adultério, paixões proibidas, vida íntima ilegítima ou situações retiradas de contos de Nelson Rodrigues. O comportamento da juventude brasileira, influenciada pela massificação de arquétipos de sexualidade mundanos (os discursos e enredos contínuos sobre adultério, traição, tabu, propaganda da sensualidade, liberação sexual, e coisas afins) diminuiu a infância, vulgarizou a sexualidade adolescente, ridicularizou a virgindade, retirou dos pais a responsabilidade sexual do comportamento dos filhos. A ponto de em determinada cena de televisão, uma delas, reclamar de que as chamadas “patricinhas” se vestiam exatamente como elas, sendo impossível em determinadas regiões das metrópoles diferenciar quem era ou não uma prostituta pelos trajes. Reclamação feita por uma prostituta.
Existem batalhas ideológicas em todas as áreas do conhecimento humano, que se assemelham com disputas comerciais ilegítimas.
Para entender esse processo abrangente não há relato melhor que o da Propaganda Nazista:
"A propaganda política busca imbuir o povo, como um todo, com uma doutrina... A propaganda para o público em geral funciona a partir do ponto de vista de uma idéia, e o prepara para quando da vitória daquela opinião". Adolf Hitler escreveu tais palavras em 1926, em seu livro Mein Kampf , no qual defendia o uso de propaganda política para disseminar seu ideal de Nacional Socialismo que compreendia o racismo, o anti-semitismo e o anti bolchevismo.
Após a chegada do nazismo ao poder em 1933, Hitler estabeleceu o Ministério do Reich para Esclarecimento Popular e Propaganda, encabeçado por Joseph Goebbels. O objetivo do Ministério era garantir que a mensagem nazista fosse transmitida com sucesso através da arte, da música, do teatro, de filmes, livros, estações de rádio, materiais escolares e imprensa.
Existiam várias audiências para receber e assumir as propagandas nazistas. Os alemães eram constantemente relembrados de suas lutas contra inimigos estrangeiros, e de uma pretensa subversão judaica. No período que antecedeu a criação das medidas executivas e leis contra os judeus, as campanhas de propaganda criaram uma atmosfera tolerante para com os atos de violência contra os judeus, particularmente em 1935, antes das Leis Raciais de Nuremberg, e em 1938, após a Kristallnacht, quando do fluxo constante de legislação anti-semita sobre os judeus na economia. A propaganda também incentivou a passividade e a aceitação das medidas iminentes contra os judeus, uma vez que o governo nazista interferia e "restabelecia a ordem" (derrubada pela derrota alemã na 1ª Guerra Mundial).
A propaganda nazista também preparava o povo para uma guerra, insistindo em uma perseguição, real ou imaginária, contra as populações étnicas alemãs que viviam em países do leste europeu em antigos territórios germânicos conquistados após a Primeira Guerra Mundial. Estas propagandas procuravam gerar lealdade política e uma “consciência racial” entre as populações de etnia alemã que viviam no leste europeu, em especial Polônia e Tchecoslováquia. Outro objetivo da propaganda nazista era o de mostrar a uma audiência internacional, em especial as grandes potências européias, que a Alemanha estava fazendo demandas justas e compreensíveis sobre suas demandas territoriais.
Após a Alemanha haver quebrado o Pacto Ribentrof, que havia assinado, e invadido a União Soviética, a propaganda nazista passou a dirigir-se aos civis dentro do estado alemão, e aos soldados e policiais alemães que serviam nos territórios ocupados, bem como a seus auxiliares não-alemães, inventando um elo entre o comunismo soviético e o judaísmo europeu, e apresentando a Alemanha como defensora da cultura "ocidental" contra a ameaça "Bolchevique". Esta propaganda também mostrava uma imagem apocalíptica do que aconteceria caso os soviéticos ganhassem a Guerra e foi aumentada após a derrota catastrófica da Alemanha em Stalingrado, Rússia, em fevereiro de 1943. Este enredo serviu como instrumento para persuadir os alemães, nazistas ou não, além de colaboracionistas estrangeiros, a lutarem até o final.
O cinema, em particular, teve um papel importante na disseminação das idéias do anti-semitismo racial, da superioridade do poder militar alemão e da essência malévola de seus inimigos, como eram definidos pela ideologia nazista. Os filmes nazistas retratavam os judeus como seres "subhumanos" que se infiltraram na sociedade ariana; em 1940, por exemplo, o filme de 1940, “O Eterno”, dirigido por Fritz Hippler, que retratava os judeus como parasitas culturais ambulantes, consumidos pelo sexo e pelo amor ao dinheiro. Alguns filmes, como “O Triunfo da Vontade”, de 1935, de Leni Riefenstahl, exaltava Hitler e o movimento Nacional Socialista. Duas outras obras de Leni, “O Festival das Nações” e “Festa da Beleza” (1938), mostraram os Jogos Olímpicos de Berlim, em 1936, promovendo o orgulho nacional com o sucesso do regime nazista naqueles Jogos.
Jornais alemães, principalmente o Der Stürmer, O Tufão, publicavam caricaturas anti-semitas para descrever os judeus. Depois que os alemães deflagraram a Segunda Guerra Mundial com a invasão da Polônia, em setembro de 1939, o regime nazista utilizou propagandas para causar a impressão de que os judeus não eram apenas sub-humanos, mas que eram também perigosos inimigos do Reich alemão. O regime buscava obter o apoio, ou o consentimento tácito, da população alemã para as políticas que tinham como objetivo a remoção permanente dos judeus das áreas onde viviam alemães.
Durante a implementação da chamada Solução Final, i.e. o extermínio em massa de judeus, os soldados das SS nos campos de extermínio forçavam suas vítimas a apresentar uma fachada de normalidade em ocasiões em que vinham visitas ou em que tiravam fotos e filmavam os campos, chegando ao ponto de obrigar os que iam para as câmaras de gás a enviar cartões-postais para amigos e parentes dizendo que estavam sendo bem tratados e que viviam em excelentes condições, criando assim a fachada de tranqüilidade necessária para deportá-los da Alemanha, e dos países por ela ocupados, da forma menos tumultuada possível. As autoridades dos campos usavam a propaganda para acobertar as atrocidades e o extermínio em massa que praticavam.
Em junho de 1944, a Polícia de Segurança alemã permitiu que uma equipe da Cruz Vermelha Internacional inspecionasse o campo-gueto de Theresienstadt, localizado no Protetorado de Boêmia e Moravia (hoje República Tcheca). As SS e a policia estabeleceram Theresienstadt, em novembro de 1941, como um instrumento de propaganda para consumo doméstico no Reich alemão. O campo-gueto era usado como uma explicação para os alemães que ficavam intrigados com a deportação de judeus alemães e austríacos de idade avançada, de veteranos de guerra incapacitados, ou artistas e músicos locais famosos para "trabalharem" "no leste". Na preparação para a visita de 1944, o gueto passou por um processo de "embelezamento". Depois da inspeção, as autoridades das SS no Protetorado produziram um filme usando os residentes do gueto para demonstrar o tratamento benevolente, que os "moradores" judeus de Theresienstadt recebiam. Quando o filme foi finalizado, as autoridades das SS deportaram a maioria do "elenco" para o campo de extermínio Auschwitz-Birkenau.
O regime nazista até o final utilizou a propaganda de forma efetiva para mobilizar a população alemã no apoio à sua guerra de conquistas. A propaganda era também essencial para dar a motivação àqueles que executavam os extermínios em massa de judeus e de outras vítimas do regime nazista. Também serviu para assegurar o consentimento de outras milhões de pessoas a permanecerem como espectadoras frente à perseguição racial e ao extermínio em massa de que eram testemunhas indiretas.”
As Escrituras afirmam "Filhinhos, já é a última hora; e, como ouvistes que vem o anticristo, também, agora muitos anticristos têm surgido; pelo que conhecemos que é a última hora" (1 João 2:18).
O que significa a palavra CRISTO: MESSIAS, o enviado, o ungido, o escolhido (por Deus) em Hebraico, e o termo em Grego, o ungido.
Anti é uma preposição do grego que significa: o oposto
Oposto de enviado: Falso emissário.
Oposto de ungido: O termo ungido simbolizava o homem separado por Deus para o ofício de sacerdote, de profeta ou de rei que recebia o azeite derramado sobre sua cabeça. O Messias é aquele que foi separado para ser rei, profeta e sacerdote. O óleo descia abundantemente pelo cabelo, descia pela barba e caia pelas vestes no momento da unção. Esse óleo é o rito que dá inicio a capacitação do sujeito para o ofício e a partir dele o homem ou mulher separada receberá o Espírito de Deus que nela permanecerá até o fim de seu ministério. Logo o óleo começou a ser reconhecido como símbolo do próprio Espírito Santo. Uma pessoa ungida é uma pessoa separada, capacitada pelo Espírito, em quem reside o Espírito.
O oposto de ungido: opresso. Pessoa sobre quem repousa o espírito ou espíritos malignos. Por conseqüência dos três ofícios de Jesus, ele será também um falso rei, exercerá um falso sacerdócio e também será um falso profeta. Na medida que nos aprofundamos sobre cada um desses aspectos, governamental, sacerdotal e profético, mais entenderemos suas funções exercidas ao contrário. Um rei, ministro, governador, presidente, qualquer um que exerça as funções de chefe de estado, deve possuir qualidades de um nobre, sabedoria, benevolência, capacidade jurídica, retidão, equidade, imparcialidade, etc.
Maquiavel discorre sobre princípios gerais para manutenção do poder em que a sabedoria é desprovida de caráter, onde a inteligência é usada para de todas as formas, legitimas ou não, para manutenção do poder. Tal procedimento foi denominado depois maquiavelismo. As 48 leis do poder de Joost Elffers e Robert Greene são uma compilação de princípios reunida nos escritos dos estrategistas (Sun-Tzu, Clausewitz), estadistas (Bismarck, Talleyrand), cortesãos (Castiglione, Gracián), sedutores (Ninon de Lenclos, Casanova), e charlatões (“Yellow Kid” Weil).
lei 1:não ofusque o brilho do mestre
lei 2: não confie demais nos amigos. Aprenda a usar os inimigos
lei 3: oculte suas intenções
lei 4: diga menos do que o necessário
lei 5: muito depende da reputação – dê a própria vida para defendê-la
lei 6: chame a atenção a qualquer preço
lei 7: faça com que os outros trabalharem por você mas sempre fique com o crédito
lei 8: faça as pessoas virem até você – use uma isca, se for preciso
lei 9: vença por suas atitudes não discuta
lei 10: contágio: evite o infeliz e azarado
lei 11: aprenda a manter as pessoas dependentes de você
lei 12: use a honestidade e a generosidade seletivas para desarmar a sua vítima
lei 13: ao pedir ajuda, apele para o egoísmo das pessoas, jamais para a sua misericórdia ou gratidão
lei 14: banque o amigo. Aja como espião.
lei 15: aniquile totalmente o inimigo
lei 16: use a ausência para aumentar o respeito e a honra
lei 17: mantenha os outros em um estado latente de terror: cultive uma atmosfera de imprevisibilidade
lei 18: não construa fortalezas para se proteger – o isolamento é perigoso
lei 19: saiba com quem está lidando – não ofenda a pessoa errada
lei 20: não se comprometa com ninguém
lei 21: faça-se de otário para pegar os otários – pareça mais bobo do que o normal
lei 22: use a tática da rendição: transforme a fraqueza em poder
lei 23: concentre as suas forças
lei 24: represente o cortesão perfeito
lei 25: recrie-se
lei 26: mantenha as mãos limpas
lei 27: jogue com a necessidade que as pessoas têm de acreditar em alguma coisa para criar um séquito de devotos
lei 28: seja ousado
lei 29: planeje até o fim
lei 30: faça as suas conquistas parecerem fáceis
lei 31: controle as opções: quem dá as cartas é você
lei 32: desperte a fantasia das pessoas
lei 33: descubra o ponto fraco de cada um
lei 34: seja aristocrático ao seu próprio modo: aja como um rei para ser tratado como tal
lei 35: domine a arte de saber o tempo certo
lei 36: despreze o que não puder ter: ignorar é a melhor vingança
lei 37: crie espetáculos atraentes
lei 38: pense como quiser, mas comporte-se como os outros
lei 39: agite as águas para atrair os peixes
lei 40: despreze o que vier de graça
lei 41: evite seguir as pegadas de um grande homem
lei 42: ataque o pastor e as ovelhas se dispersam
lei 43: conquiste corações e mente
lei 44: desarme e enfureça com efeito espelho
lei 45: pregue a necessidade de mudança, mas não mude muita coisa ao mesmo tempo.
lei 46: não pareça perfeito demais
lei 47: não ultrapasse a meta estabelecida; na vitória aprenda a parar.
lei 48: evite ter uma forma definida
lei 2: não confie demais nos amigos. Aprenda a usar os inimigos
lei 3: oculte suas intenções
lei 4: diga menos do que o necessário
lei 5: muito depende da reputação – dê a própria vida para defendê-la
lei 6: chame a atenção a qualquer preço
lei 7: faça com que os outros trabalharem por você mas sempre fique com o crédito
lei 8: faça as pessoas virem até você – use uma isca, se for preciso
lei 9: vença por suas atitudes não discuta
lei 10: contágio: evite o infeliz e azarado
lei 11: aprenda a manter as pessoas dependentes de você
lei 12: use a honestidade e a generosidade seletivas para desarmar a sua vítima
lei 13: ao pedir ajuda, apele para o egoísmo das pessoas, jamais para a sua misericórdia ou gratidão
lei 14: banque o amigo. Aja como espião.
lei 15: aniquile totalmente o inimigo
lei 16: use a ausência para aumentar o respeito e a honra
lei 17: mantenha os outros em um estado latente de terror: cultive uma atmosfera de imprevisibilidade
lei 18: não construa fortalezas para se proteger – o isolamento é perigoso
lei 19: saiba com quem está lidando – não ofenda a pessoa errada
lei 20: não se comprometa com ninguém
lei 21: faça-se de otário para pegar os otários – pareça mais bobo do que o normal
lei 22: use a tática da rendição: transforme a fraqueza em poder
lei 23: concentre as suas forças
lei 24: represente o cortesão perfeito
lei 25: recrie-se
lei 26: mantenha as mãos limpas
lei 27: jogue com a necessidade que as pessoas têm de acreditar em alguma coisa para criar um séquito de devotos
lei 28: seja ousado
lei 29: planeje até o fim
lei 30: faça as suas conquistas parecerem fáceis
lei 31: controle as opções: quem dá as cartas é você
lei 32: desperte a fantasia das pessoas
lei 33: descubra o ponto fraco de cada um
lei 34: seja aristocrático ao seu próprio modo: aja como um rei para ser tratado como tal
lei 35: domine a arte de saber o tempo certo
lei 36: despreze o que não puder ter: ignorar é a melhor vingança
lei 37: crie espetáculos atraentes
lei 38: pense como quiser, mas comporte-se como os outros
lei 39: agite as águas para atrair os peixes
lei 40: despreze o que vier de graça
lei 41: evite seguir as pegadas de um grande homem
lei 42: ataque o pastor e as ovelhas se dispersam
lei 43: conquiste corações e mente
lei 44: desarme e enfureça com efeito espelho
lei 45: pregue a necessidade de mudança, mas não mude muita coisa ao mesmo tempo.
lei 46: não pareça perfeito demais
lei 47: não ultrapasse a meta estabelecida; na vitória aprenda a parar.
lei 48: evite ter uma forma definida
O Contraste com o Evangelho é muito grande. O mundo secular exercita-se em jogos de poder. É desse mundo de dissimulação que Jesus veio retirar os seus. Vós não sois do mundo, disse certa feita. A norma de conduta estabelecida vai contra todas as táticas sociais impostas até então quando declara: Amai vossos inimigos. Bendizei aqueles que vos perseguem. Quando Jesus declara que a nossa palavra deve ser “sim sim e não não” e que o que passar disso, desse patamar de transparência tem origem no diabo, sabia bem o que estava dizendo. Porque se dizemos não quando queremos dizer sim e se dizemos sim mesmo quando nossa consciência diz que é não, é porque há uma estratégia por detrás do que fazemos, há uma segunda finalidade.
O reino do anticristo é o reino das segundas intenções. Ele é francamente dissimulado, inequivocamente oculto, e permanentemente mal intencionado.
Se o reino de Cristo é o reino da luz, o dele é o reino das trevas. Se o reino de Cristo é eterno, o dele é o reino passageiro. Se Jesus é o homem segundo Deus, logo ele é o homem segundo Satanás. Se A palavra de Cristo é a Verdade, logo a sua palavra é completamente mentirosa. Jesus é o Mestre. O que Jesus ouvia do Pai o entregava aos discípulos. Ele é um falso mestre, o que ouvirá de Satanás isso irá ensinar ao mundo. Jesus veio para morrer pelo mundo. O anticristo fará o mundo morrer por sua causa. Jesus cumpriu toda a vontade de Deus. O anticristo realizará toda a vontade de Satanás. Jesus realizou como prodígios, sinais e maravilhas em nome do pai. O anticristo realizará prodígios, sinais e maravilhas pelo poder da mentira em nome do diabo. Os sinais serão sobrenaturais, físicos, reais, mas sem significado, com o intuito de conduzir as multidões não até Deus, mas até ele. Jesus é o CAMINHO. O anticristo se definirá como o DESTINO. Como se ele fosse a razão de tudo. Jesus se fez pobre para que nós pudéssemos nos tornar participantes das riquezas celestiais. O anticristo assumirá a riqueza dos povos, roubará o sistema financeiro mundial para realização de sua própria causa. Através de Cristo veio a salvação do mundo. Através do anticristo viria a sua destruição, se não for deposto a tempo. Mas será.
Então o tal chip de controle, hoje sob a égide das leis internacionais e financeiras é só outra questão tecnológica, influenciando tanto quanto o débito automático. Porém no reino passageiro poderá até ser um passaporte para a morte e para o controle de pessoas. Não é um sistema eletrônico que define o reino passageiro, é a totalidade dos sistemas jurídicos, bancários, sociais, políticos, religiosos, filosóficos, de comunicação, de markenting, jornalísticos, utilizados com o intuito de dar autoridade ao tal reino.
“Muitos anticristos” Qualquer homem que age como se fosse deus ao dar nenhuma importância ao próximo, usando ao outro para suas próprias realizações, ainda que para tal destrua seu próximo, é um anticristo. O ultimo dá nome aos primeiros. Nesse ultimo a desumanidade atinge a maturidade.
For the Anti-Christ takes power he will require considerable strategy. Not sufficient to establish itself with support from witches, occult and religious, occult societies of all kinds, trying to take political power by force. In the movie Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr in the lead role, we see how one could serve these failed attempts.The plan of the kingdom passenger needs to be diversified, sly, inclusive. This plan has (have, not own) several steps, and requires compatible capitalize or thousands of human activities, hundreds of disciplines of knowledge. In our world we have complex social, economic, technological, religious and political. We are governed by a plurality of legal relations, international laws, conventions, treaties, various codes, standards, standards.Migrated to a networked world, computational relationships that are part of everyday life, social networks, indexers, blogosphere, connectivity via MSN, Skype, migration of our memories (photos) and relationships (contacts) to the cloud (web). The world of paper has become in a few years, the world of bytes of virtual interaction. Today we walk to another level which is the merging of telecommunications with the Internet. And then also to television, where they might not talk without seeing we talked.NET is now a social reality, she cooperates with changes in cultural approaches, linguistic changes, and the global financial system has become dependent on it also.Every human tool can be used properly or for worse. Human nature known tool that can not be used to strike each other. The Bible used the wrong way can destroy people. Even feelings, passion can sicken and even despair, sexuality given to man as a blessing can be upset, become subject of torment, oppression, anguish and even when dominated by factors other than the original purpose which was to be bond between two people who love, example of sexual slavery, prostitution, rape, pornography. The law is the essence of which justice can be perverted to benefit the few at the expense of a few. The State today was to be an evolution of the political structures of the past to give quality life to people, one nation. The totalitarian state reverses the order of things example of the dictatorship that claimed hundreds of lives in Brazil, becoming an instrument of destruction. Political leaders should represent the groups that elected him to the view of the general welfare, provided with general interests. Stalin, Soviet leader murdered to keep himself in power, 50 million people. In NETWORK infighting are colossal in its field, has existed since sieve information, to mechanisms that can become a tool of ideological control. This already occurs at the level of advertising for years. As you consume, as we read, there are several ways you can induce stress, generalized attitudes, philosophies of life, consumption patterns, to serve a market, a fad, a cultural movement, because someone is interested in sell you something. Or you do not know anything. Companies practicing power plays, has the oligarchs, cartels, monopolies, etc.. In previous centuries England intervened heavily to Brazil entered a war that decimated the population of Paraguay, which loomed with a desire to industrialize. The Exxon oil dominated the landscape for decades with practices that border on moral insanity. The steel in the world today is almost totally dominated by a single economic group. The entire economy of the land generates about 50 large companies, which cover thousands of other branches. The Shogunate (Japan) fell because of economic necessity that some groups had to invest in that country. Hitler was financed by a group that is still in the global financial scenario today. The financial basis of the future government of the antichrist need to get their hands on the reins of the financial market, the interaction of religion, the field of food supply, the key chemical, power, oil, change the codes of international law, the ideology propagated through the media and existing media for such control of television content, media, web and telephone, spread his philosophy through literature. Without realize that everything is interconnected, without which humanity understands what is being manipulated. Fashion now makes it in time. See the thinness of models, manipulation of photographic magazine covers, the dictatorship of beauty. There is a formal accusation that the American woman has ever seen in fashion magazines, the true face of a woman of 50 years. For nearly 30 years the Brazilian television portrayed families in adultery, forbidden passions, illegitimate or intimate life situations drawn from stories by Nelson Rodrigues. The behavior of Brazilian youth, influenced by the mass of worldly archetypes of sexuality (the speeches and continuous plots about adultery, betrayal, taboo, advertising of sensuality, sexual liberation, and the like) decreased childhood, adolescent sexuality cheapened, ridiculed her virginity , took the responsibility of the parents of the children's sexual behavior. The point of television in one particular scene, one of them, claim that so-called "Clueless" dressed exactly like them, is impossible in certain areas of the metropolis differentiate who was a prostitute or not the costumes. Claim by a prostitute.There are ideological battles in all areas of human knowledge, that resemble illegitimate trade disputes.To understand this process there is no comprehensive reporting better than the Nazi Propaganda:"Political advertising seeks to imbue the people as a whole, a doctrine ... The advertisement for the public works from the standpoint of an idea, and prepare for when the victory of that opinion." Adolf Hitler wrote these words in 1926 in his book Mein Kampf, in which he defended the use of propaganda to spread its ideal of National Socialism who understood racism, anti Semitism and anti-Bolshevism.After the arrival of the Nazis to power in 1933, Hitler established a Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels. The objective of the Ministry was to ensure that the Nazi message was successfully transmitted through art, music, theater, movies, books, radio stations, school supplies and media.There were several hearings to receive and take on the Nazi propaganda. The Germans were constantly reminded of their struggle against foreign enemies, and an alleged Jewish subversion. In the period preceding the creation of laws and executive measures against Jews, propaganda campaigns created an atmosphere tolerant of acts of violence against Jews, particularly in 1935, before the Nuremberg Race Laws, and in 1938, after Kristallnacht, when the steady stream of anti-Semitic about Jews in the economy. Propaganda also encouraged passivity and acceptance of the impending measures against Jews since the Nazi government interfered and "re-established order" (struck down by the German defeat in World War 1).Nazi propaganda also prepared the people for war, insisting on a pursuit, real or imagined, against the ethnic German populations living in Eastern European countries in former German territories conquered after the First World War. These advertisements sought to generate political loyalty and a "racial consciousness" among the populations of ethnic Germans living in Eastern Europe, especially Poland and Czechoslovakia. Another objective of Nazi propaganda was to show to an international audience, especially the major European powers, that Germany was making understandable and fair demands of their territorial demands.After the Germans have broken the Covenant Ribentrof, who had signed, and invaded the Soviet Union, Nazi propaganda began to address the civilians within the German state and German soldiers and officers who served in the occupied territories, as well as their ancillary non-Germans, inventing a link between Soviet communism and European Jewry, and presenting Germany as an advocate of culture "western" the threat "Bolshevik." This propaganda also showed an apocalyptic picture of what would happen if the Soviets won the war and was increased after the catastrophic defeat of Germany in Stalingrad, Russia, in February 1943. This plot served as a tool to persuade the Germans, Nazis or not, and foreign collaborators, to fight until the end.The cinema, in particular, played an important role in the dissemination of ideas of racial antisemitism, the superiority of German military power and the essence of his evil enemies, as they were defined by Nazi ideology. The Nazi films portrayed Jews as being "subhuman" who have infiltrated the Aryan society, in 1940, for example, the 1940 film, "The Eternal", directed by Fritz Hippler, which portrayed Jews as wandering cultural parasites, consumed by sex and the love of money. Some films, like "The Triumph of the Will", 1935, Leni Riefenstahl, glorified Hitler and the National Socialist movement. Two other works of Leni, "The Festival of Nations" and "Festival of Beauty" (1938), showed the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936, promoting national pride with the success of the Nazi regime in those games.German papers, mainly Der Stürmer, Typhoon, published anti-Semitic caricatures to describe Jews. After the Germans unleashed the Second World War with the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the Nazi regime used propaganda to create the impression that Jews were not only sub-human, but they were also dangerous enemies of the German Reich. The regime sought to gain support or tacit consent of the German population for policies that were aimed at the permanent removal of Jews from areas where Germans lived.During the implementation of so-called Final Solution, ie the mass extermination of Jews, the SS in the death camps forced their victims to present a facade of normalcy in times when visitors came or where they took pictures and videotaped the field, reaching the point of forcing those who went to the gas chambers to send postcards to friends and relatives saying they were being treated well and living in excellent conditions, thus creating the facade of tranquility necessary to deport them from Germany, and countries occupied by it, of a less tumultuous possible. The camp authorities used propaganda to cover up atrocities and mass murder that practiced.In June 1944, the German Security Police permitted an International Red Cross team inspect the Theresienstadt camp-ghetto, located in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (now Czech Republic). The SS and police established Theresienstadt in November 1941 as an instrument of propaganda for domestic consumption in the German Reich. The camp-ghetto was used as an explanation for the Germans who were intrigued by the deportation of German and Austrian Jews elderly, disabled war veterans or famous artists and local musicians to "work" "east". In preparation for the visit of 1944, the ghetto underwent a process of "beautifying". After the inspection, the authorities of the SS in the Protectorate produced a film using ghetto residents to demonstrate the benevolent treatment, that the "residents" of Theresienstadt Jews received. When the film was completed, the SS authorities deported most of the "cast" for the extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.The Nazi regime until the end used propaganda effectively to mobilize the German population to support its war of conquest. The advertisement was also essential to give motivation to those who carried out the mass murder of Jews and other victims of the Nazi regime. It also served to secure the consent of other millions of people to remain as spectators against the racial persecution and mass extermination of witnesses who were indirect. "
The Scriptures say "Children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now many antichrists; whereby we know that is the last hour" (1 John 2:18).What does the word CHRIST, MESSIAH, the envoy, the anointed one, chosen (by God) in Hebrew, and the term in Greek, the anointed one.Anti is a Greek preposition that means the oppositeOpposite of sent: False emissary.Opposite of anointed: The term symbolized the man anointed by God to separate the office of priest, prophet or king who received olive oil poured on his head. The Messiah is the one who was singled out to be king, prophet and priest. Oil fell abundantly by the hair, beard and fell down by the clothes at the time of the anointing. This oil is the rite that initiates the training of the subject for the trade and from it man or woman separate receive the Spirit of God that it will remain until the end of his ministry. Once the oil began to be recognized as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. An anointed person is a separate person, empowered by the Spirit, in whom the Spirit resides.The opposite of anointed oppressed. Person on whom rests the spirit or evil spirits. As a result of the three offices of Jesus, it is also a false king, a false priesthood and exercise will also be a false prophet. As we go deeper on each of these aspects, government, priestly and prophetic, the more we understand their roles played in reverse. A king, minister, governor, president, anyone who performs the functions of head of state, should exhibit the qualities of a noble, wisdom, benevolence, legal capacity, righteousness, fairness, impartiality, etc..Machiavelli discusses general principles for maintaining power in which wisdom is devoid of character, where intelligence is used for all forms, legitimate or not, to keep power. This procedure was later named Machiavellianism. The 48 Laws of Power Robert Greene and Joost Elffers are a compilation of principles gathered in the writings of strategists (Sun Tzu, Clausewitz), statesmen (Bismarck, Talleyrand), courtiers (Castiglione, Gracian), seductive (Ninon de Lenclos, Casanova ), and charlatans ("Yellow Kid" Weil).Law 1: Do not overshadow the brightness of the masterAct 2: Do not rely too much on friends. Learn how to use enemiesAct 3: hide his intentionsLaw 4, say less than that requiredLaw 5: much depends on reputation - give their lives to defend itLaw 6: Call attention to any priceLaw 7: Make others work for you but always get the creditLaw 8: Make people come to you - use bait if necessaryLaw 9: Win through their attitudes do not argueLaw 10: contagion: avoid the unhappy and unluckyLaw 11: Learn to keep people dependent on youLaw 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victimLaw 13: When asking for help, appeal to the selfishness of people, never to their mercy or gratitudeLaw 14: banque friend. Act like a spy.Law 15: totally annihilate the enemyLaw 16: Use absence to increase respect and honorLaw 17: Keep others in a latent state of terror: cultivate an air of unpredictabilityLaw 18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerousLaw 19: Know who you're dealing with - do not offend the wrong personLaw 20: do not compromise with anyoneLaw 21: make is to get suckers sucker - seem more silly than usualLaw 22: Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into powerLaw 23: concentrate its forcesLaw 24: represents the perfect courtierLaw 25: Re-create yourselfLaw 26: Keep your hands cleanLaw 27: Play with the need that people have to believe in something to create a following of devoteesLaw 28: Be boldLaw 29: Plan to the endLaw 30: make your achievements look easyLaw 31: Control the options: the dealer is youLaw 32, awaken the imagination of peopleLaw 33: discover the weak point of eachLaw 34: is aristocratic in its own way: act like a king to be treated as suchLaw 35: master the art of knowing the right timeLaw 36: despise what you can not have: ignoring is the best revengeLaw 37: Create compelling spectaclesLaw 38: Think as you like but behave like othersLaw 39: Shake the water to attract fishLaw 40: despise what comes for freeLaw 41: Avoid the footsteps of a great manLaw 42: strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatterLaw 43: conquer hearts and mindsLaw 44: disarm and rage with mirror effectLaw 45: preaches the need for change, but do not change much at the same time.Law 46: Do not look too perfectLaw 47: Do not exceed the target set; learn to stop in victory.Law 48: Avoid having a definite shapeThe contrast with the Gospel is very large. The secular world exercises in power games. It is this world of deception that Jesus came to remove his. You are not the world, once said. The standard of conduct goes against all established social tactics imposed so far when he says: Love your enemies. Bless those who persecute you. When Jesus says that our word should be "yes yes and no no" and that beyond this, this level of transparency comes from the devil, knew well what he was saying. Because if we say no we say yes and when to say yes even when our conscience says it's not, because there is a strategy behind what we do, there is a second purpose.The kingdom of the antichrist is the kingdom of ulterior motives. He is frankly disingenuous, unequivocally hidden, malicious and permanently.If Christ's kingdom is the kingdom of light, theirs is the kingdom of darkness. If Christ's kingdom is eternal, theirs is the kingdom passenger. If Jesus is the man after God, then he is the man after Satan. If the word of Christ is the Truth, so his word is completely untrue. Jesus is the Master. What Jesus heard the Father gave to his disciples. He is a false teacher, Satan will hear what it will teach the world. Jesus came to die for the world. The Antichrist will make the world die for their cause. Jesus fulfilled all the will of God. The antichrist will perform all the will of Satan. Jesus performed miracles and signs and wonders in the name of the father. The antichrist will perform miracles, signs and wonders by the power of falsehood in the name of the devil. The signals will be supernatural, physical, real, but meaningless in order to drive the crowds to God, but to him. Jesus is the WAY. The antichrist is set as the DESTINATION. Like he was the reason for everything. Jesus became poor that we might become partakers of the heavenly riches. The Antichrist will take over the wealth of nations, will rob the world financial system to perform its own sake. Through Christ came to save the world. Through the antichrist would come to their destruction, if not overthrown in time. But it will be.So this control chip, now under the aegis of international law and finance is just another technological question, influencing as much as the direct debit. But the kingdom passenger may even be a passport to death and to control people. There is an electronic system that defines the realm passenger, is the totality of legal systems, banking, social, political, religious, philosophical, communication, markenting, journalistic, used in order to give authority to that kingdom."Many antichrists" Any man who acts like God giving no importance to others, using the other for their own accomplishments, even if to do so destroys his neighbor, is an antichrist. The latter gives its name to the first. In this last inhumanity reaches maturity.
For the Anti-Christ takes power he will require considerable strategy. Not sufficient to establish itself with support from witches, occult and religious, occult societies of all kinds, trying to take political power by force. In the movie Sherlock Holmes with Robert Downey Jr in the lead role, we see how one could serve these failed attempts.The plan of the kingdom passenger needs to be diversified, sly, inclusive. This plan has (have, not own) several steps, and requires compatible capitalize or thousands of human activities, hundreds of disciplines of knowledge. In our world we have complex social, economic, technological, religious and political. We are governed by a plurality of legal relations, international laws, conventions, treaties, various codes, standards, standards.Migrated to a networked world, computational relationships that are part of everyday life, social networks, indexers, blogosphere, connectivity via MSN, Skype, migration of our memories (photos) and relationships (contacts) to the cloud (web). The world of paper has become in a few years, the world of bytes of virtual interaction. Today we walk to another level which is the merging of telecommunications with the Internet. And then also to television, where they might not talk without seeing we talked.NET is now a social reality, she cooperates with changes in cultural approaches, linguistic changes, and the global financial system has become dependent on it also.Every human tool can be used properly or for worse. Human nature known tool that can not be used to strike each other. The Bible used the wrong way can destroy people. Even feelings, passion can sicken and even despair, sexuality given to man as a blessing can be upset, become subject of torment, oppression, anguish and even when dominated by factors other than the original purpose which was to be bond between two people who love, example of sexual slavery, prostitution, rape, pornography. The law is the essence of which justice can be perverted to benefit the few at the expense of a few. The State today was to be an evolution of the political structures of the past to give quality life to people, one nation. The totalitarian state reverses the order of things example of the dictatorship that claimed hundreds of lives in Brazil, becoming an instrument of destruction. Political leaders should represent the groups that elected him to the view of the general welfare, provided with general interests. Stalin, Soviet leader murdered to keep himself in power, 50 million people. In NETWORK infighting are colossal in its field, has existed since sieve information, to mechanisms that can become a tool of ideological control. This already occurs at the level of advertising for years. As you consume, as we read, there are several ways you can induce stress, generalized attitudes, philosophies of life, consumption patterns, to serve a market, a fad, a cultural movement, because someone is interested in sell you something. Or you do not know anything. Companies practicing power plays, has the oligarchs, cartels, monopolies, etc.. In previous centuries England intervened heavily to Brazil entered a war that decimated the population of Paraguay, which loomed with a desire to industrialize. The Exxon oil dominated the landscape for decades with practices that border on moral insanity. The steel in the world today is almost totally dominated by a single economic group. The entire economy of the land generates about 50 large companies, which cover thousands of other branches. The Shogunate (Japan) fell because of economic necessity that some groups had to invest in that country. Hitler was financed by a group that is still in the global financial scenario today. The financial basis of the future government of the antichrist need to get their hands on the reins of the financial market, the interaction of religion, the field of food supply, the key chemical, power, oil, change the codes of international law, the ideology propagated through the media and existing media for such control of television content, media, web and telephone, spread his philosophy through literature. Without realize that everything is interconnected, without which humanity understands what is being manipulated. Fashion now makes it in time. See the thinness of models, manipulation of photographic magazine covers, the dictatorship of beauty. There is a formal accusation that the American woman has ever seen in fashion magazines, the true face of a woman of 50 years. For nearly 30 years the Brazilian television portrayed families in adultery, forbidden passions, illegitimate or intimate life situations drawn from stories by Nelson Rodrigues. The behavior of Brazilian youth, influenced by the mass of worldly archetypes of sexuality (the speeches and continuous plots about adultery, betrayal, taboo, advertising of sensuality, sexual liberation, and the like) decreased childhood, adolescent sexuality cheapened, ridiculed her virginity , took the responsibility of the parents of the children's sexual behavior. The point of television in one particular scene, one of them, claim that so-called "Clueless" dressed exactly like them, is impossible in certain areas of the metropolis differentiate who was a prostitute or not the costumes. Claim by a prostitute.There are ideological battles in all areas of human knowledge, that resemble illegitimate trade disputes.To understand this process there is no comprehensive reporting better than the Nazi Propaganda:"Political advertising seeks to imbue the people as a whole, a doctrine ... The advertisement for the public works from the standpoint of an idea, and prepare for when the victory of that opinion." Adolf Hitler wrote these words in 1926 in his book Mein Kampf, in which he defended the use of propaganda to spread its ideal of National Socialism who understood racism, anti Semitism and anti-Bolshevism.After the arrival of the Nazis to power in 1933, Hitler established a Reich Ministry for Public Enlightenment and Propaganda headed by Joseph Goebbels. The objective of the Ministry was to ensure that the Nazi message was successfully transmitted through art, music, theater, movies, books, radio stations, school supplies and media.There were several hearings to receive and take on the Nazi propaganda. The Germans were constantly reminded of their struggle against foreign enemies, and an alleged Jewish subversion. In the period preceding the creation of laws and executive measures against Jews, propaganda campaigns created an atmosphere tolerant of acts of violence against Jews, particularly in 1935, before the Nuremberg Race Laws, and in 1938, after Kristallnacht, when the steady stream of anti-Semitic about Jews in the economy. Propaganda also encouraged passivity and acceptance of the impending measures against Jews since the Nazi government interfered and "re-established order" (struck down by the German defeat in World War 1).Nazi propaganda also prepared the people for war, insisting on a pursuit, real or imagined, against the ethnic German populations living in Eastern European countries in former German territories conquered after the First World War. These advertisements sought to generate political loyalty and a "racial consciousness" among the populations of ethnic Germans living in Eastern Europe, especially Poland and Czechoslovakia. Another objective of Nazi propaganda was to show to an international audience, especially the major European powers, that Germany was making understandable and fair demands of their territorial demands.After the Germans have broken the Covenant Ribentrof, who had signed, and invaded the Soviet Union, Nazi propaganda began to address the civilians within the German state and German soldiers and officers who served in the occupied territories, as well as their ancillary non-Germans, inventing a link between Soviet communism and European Jewry, and presenting Germany as an advocate of culture "western" the threat "Bolshevik." This propaganda also showed an apocalyptic picture of what would happen if the Soviets won the war and was increased after the catastrophic defeat of Germany in Stalingrad, Russia, in February 1943. This plot served as a tool to persuade the Germans, Nazis or not, and foreign collaborators, to fight until the end.The cinema, in particular, played an important role in the dissemination of ideas of racial antisemitism, the superiority of German military power and the essence of his evil enemies, as they were defined by Nazi ideology. The Nazi films portrayed Jews as being "subhuman" who have infiltrated the Aryan society, in 1940, for example, the 1940 film, "The Eternal", directed by Fritz Hippler, which portrayed Jews as wandering cultural parasites, consumed by sex and the love of money. Some films, like "The Triumph of the Will", 1935, Leni Riefenstahl, glorified Hitler and the National Socialist movement. Two other works of Leni, "The Festival of Nations" and "Festival of Beauty" (1938), showed the Olympic Games in Berlin in 1936, promoting national pride with the success of the Nazi regime in those games.German papers, mainly Der Stürmer, Typhoon, published anti-Semitic caricatures to describe Jews. After the Germans unleashed the Second World War with the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the Nazi regime used propaganda to create the impression that Jews were not only sub-human, but they were also dangerous enemies of the German Reich. The regime sought to gain support or tacit consent of the German population for policies that were aimed at the permanent removal of Jews from areas where Germans lived.During the implementation of so-called Final Solution, ie the mass extermination of Jews, the SS in the death camps forced their victims to present a facade of normalcy in times when visitors came or where they took pictures and videotaped the field, reaching the point of forcing those who went to the gas chambers to send postcards to friends and relatives saying they were being treated well and living in excellent conditions, thus creating the facade of tranquility necessary to deport them from Germany, and countries occupied by it, of a less tumultuous possible. The camp authorities used propaganda to cover up atrocities and mass murder that practiced.In June 1944, the German Security Police permitted an International Red Cross team inspect the Theresienstadt camp-ghetto, located in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia (now Czech Republic). The SS and police established Theresienstadt in November 1941 as an instrument of propaganda for domestic consumption in the German Reich. The camp-ghetto was used as an explanation for the Germans who were intrigued by the deportation of German and Austrian Jews elderly, disabled war veterans or famous artists and local musicians to "work" "east". In preparation for the visit of 1944, the ghetto underwent a process of "beautifying". After the inspection, the authorities of the SS in the Protectorate produced a film using ghetto residents to demonstrate the benevolent treatment, that the "residents" of Theresienstadt Jews received. When the film was completed, the SS authorities deported most of the "cast" for the extermination camp Auschwitz-Birkenau.The Nazi regime until the end used propaganda effectively to mobilize the German population to support its war of conquest. The advertisement was also essential to give motivation to those who carried out the mass murder of Jews and other victims of the Nazi regime. It also served to secure the consent of other millions of people to remain as spectators against the racial persecution and mass extermination of witnesses who were indirect. "
The Scriptures say "Children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now many antichrists; whereby we know that is the last hour" (1 John 2:18).What does the word CHRIST, MESSIAH, the envoy, the anointed one, chosen (by God) in Hebrew, and the term in Greek, the anointed one.Anti is a Greek preposition that means the oppositeOpposite of sent: False emissary.Opposite of anointed: The term symbolized the man anointed by God to separate the office of priest, prophet or king who received olive oil poured on his head. The Messiah is the one who was singled out to be king, prophet and priest. Oil fell abundantly by the hair, beard and fell down by the clothes at the time of the anointing. This oil is the rite that initiates the training of the subject for the trade and from it man or woman separate receive the Spirit of God that it will remain until the end of his ministry. Once the oil began to be recognized as a symbol of the Holy Spirit. An anointed person is a separate person, empowered by the Spirit, in whom the Spirit resides.The opposite of anointed oppressed. Person on whom rests the spirit or evil spirits. As a result of the three offices of Jesus, it is also a false king, a false priesthood and exercise will also be a false prophet. As we go deeper on each of these aspects, government, priestly and prophetic, the more we understand their roles played in reverse. A king, minister, governor, president, anyone who performs the functions of head of state, should exhibit the qualities of a noble, wisdom, benevolence, legal capacity, righteousness, fairness, impartiality, etc..Machiavelli discusses general principles for maintaining power in which wisdom is devoid of character, where intelligence is used for all forms, legitimate or not, to keep power. This procedure was later named Machiavellianism. The 48 Laws of Power Robert Greene and Joost Elffers are a compilation of principles gathered in the writings of strategists (Sun Tzu, Clausewitz), statesmen (Bismarck, Talleyrand), courtiers (Castiglione, Gracian), seductive (Ninon de Lenclos, Casanova ), and charlatans ("Yellow Kid" Weil).Law 1: Do not overshadow the brightness of the masterAct 2: Do not rely too much on friends. Learn how to use enemiesAct 3: hide his intentionsLaw 4, say less than that requiredLaw 5: much depends on reputation - give their lives to defend itLaw 6: Call attention to any priceLaw 7: Make others work for you but always get the creditLaw 8: Make people come to you - use bait if necessaryLaw 9: Win through their attitudes do not argueLaw 10: contagion: avoid the unhappy and unluckyLaw 11: Learn to keep people dependent on youLaw 12: Use selective honesty and generosity to disarm your victimLaw 13: When asking for help, appeal to the selfishness of people, never to their mercy or gratitudeLaw 14: banque friend. Act like a spy.Law 15: totally annihilate the enemyLaw 16: Use absence to increase respect and honorLaw 17: Keep others in a latent state of terror: cultivate an air of unpredictabilityLaw 18: Do not build fortresses to protect yourself - isolation is dangerousLaw 19: Know who you're dealing with - do not offend the wrong personLaw 20: do not compromise with anyoneLaw 21: make is to get suckers sucker - seem more silly than usualLaw 22: Use the surrender tactic: transform weakness into powerLaw 23: concentrate its forcesLaw 24: represents the perfect courtierLaw 25: Re-create yourselfLaw 26: Keep your hands cleanLaw 27: Play with the need that people have to believe in something to create a following of devoteesLaw 28: Be boldLaw 29: Plan to the endLaw 30: make your achievements look easyLaw 31: Control the options: the dealer is youLaw 32, awaken the imagination of peopleLaw 33: discover the weak point of eachLaw 34: is aristocratic in its own way: act like a king to be treated as suchLaw 35: master the art of knowing the right timeLaw 36: despise what you can not have: ignoring is the best revengeLaw 37: Create compelling spectaclesLaw 38: Think as you like but behave like othersLaw 39: Shake the water to attract fishLaw 40: despise what comes for freeLaw 41: Avoid the footsteps of a great manLaw 42: strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatterLaw 43: conquer hearts and mindsLaw 44: disarm and rage with mirror effectLaw 45: preaches the need for change, but do not change much at the same time.Law 46: Do not look too perfectLaw 47: Do not exceed the target set; learn to stop in victory.Law 48: Avoid having a definite shapeThe contrast with the Gospel is very large. The secular world exercises in power games. It is this world of deception that Jesus came to remove his. You are not the world, once said. The standard of conduct goes against all established social tactics imposed so far when he says: Love your enemies. Bless those who persecute you. When Jesus says that our word should be "yes yes and no no" and that beyond this, this level of transparency comes from the devil, knew well what he was saying. Because if we say no we say yes and when to say yes even when our conscience says it's not, because there is a strategy behind what we do, there is a second purpose.The kingdom of the antichrist is the kingdom of ulterior motives. He is frankly disingenuous, unequivocally hidden, malicious and permanently.If Christ's kingdom is the kingdom of light, theirs is the kingdom of darkness. If Christ's kingdom is eternal, theirs is the kingdom passenger. If Jesus is the man after God, then he is the man after Satan. If the word of Christ is the Truth, so his word is completely untrue. Jesus is the Master. What Jesus heard the Father gave to his disciples. He is a false teacher, Satan will hear what it will teach the world. Jesus came to die for the world. The Antichrist will make the world die for their cause. Jesus fulfilled all the will of God. The antichrist will perform all the will of Satan. Jesus performed miracles and signs and wonders in the name of the father. The antichrist will perform miracles, signs and wonders by the power of falsehood in the name of the devil. The signals will be supernatural, physical, real, but meaningless in order to drive the crowds to God, but to him. Jesus is the WAY. The antichrist is set as the DESTINATION. Like he was the reason for everything. Jesus became poor that we might become partakers of the heavenly riches. The Antichrist will take over the wealth of nations, will rob the world financial system to perform its own sake. Through Christ came to save the world. Through the antichrist would come to their destruction, if not overthrown in time. But it will be.So this control chip, now under the aegis of international law and finance is just another technological question, influencing as much as the direct debit. But the kingdom passenger may even be a passport to death and to control people. There is an electronic system that defines the realm passenger, is the totality of legal systems, banking, social, political, religious, philosophical, communication, markenting, journalistic, used in order to give authority to that kingdom."Many antichrists" Any man who acts like God giving no importance to others, using the other for their own accomplishments, even if to do so destroys his neighbor, is an antichrist. The latter gives its name to the first. In this last inhumanity reaches maturity.
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