Porque a vida é mágica.
1 Então orou Ana, e disse: O meu coração exulta ao SENHOR, o meu poder está exaltado no SENHOR; a minha boca se dilatou sobre os meus inimigos, porquanto me alegro na tua salvação.
2 Não há santo como o SENHOR; porque não há outro fora de ti; e rocha nenhuma há como o nosso Deus.
3 Não multipliqueis palavras de altivez, nem saiam coisas arrogantes da vossa boca; porque o SENHOR é o Deus de conhecimento, e por ele são as obras pesadas na balança.
4 O arco dos fortes foi quebrado, e os que tropeçavam foram cingidos de força.
5 Os fartos se alugaram por pão, e cessaram os famintos; até a estéril deu à luz sete filhos, e a que tinha muitos filhos enfraqueceu.
6 O SENHOR é o que tira a vida e a dá; faz descer à sepultura e faz tornar a subir dela.
7 O SENHOR empobrece e enriquece; abaixa e também exalta.
8 Levanta o pobre do pó, e desde o monturo exalta o necessitado, para o fazer assentar entre os príncipes, para o fazer herdar o trono de glória; porque do SENHOR são os alicerces da terra, e assentou sobre eles o mundo.
9 Os pés dos seus santos guardará, porém os ímpios ficarão mudos nas trevas; porque o homem não prevalecerá pela força.
10 Os que contendem com o SENHOR serão quebrantados, desde os céus trovejará sobre eles; o SENHOR julgará as extremidades da terra; e dará força ao seu rei, e exaltará o poder do seu ungido.
diante da antiga tenda da congregação que,
como todos sabem,
fica em Siló desde tempos imemoriais,
uma mulher chora.
Moisés morrera já há cerca de 430 anos. Os israelitas se dividiram pelas terras conquistas de Canaã, cada tribo do grande grupo étnico possuindo seus conselhos jurídicos, seu aparato de guerra e trabalhando isoladamente suas questões geopolíticas. O povo de Israel possuía uma história comum, uma mesma língua, as mesmas festas e tradições, porém suas tribos viviam de modo isolado. Cada tribo cuidava de seus próprios assuntos, reunindo-se somente por conta das festividades religiosas que envolviam um tabernáculo, um templo único em forma de tenda que já estava a centenas de anos na cidade de Siló, ou por ocasiões de convocação contra a guerra contra alguma nação inimiga. Dentre os grupos que odiavam a Israel, um em especial fazia guerras e pilhagens ás cidades israelitas por mais de 200 anos. Esse povo era chamado de Filisteu. Guardavam muita proximidade com outro grupo que conhecemos como fenícios. As incursões sobre o território das tribos eram constantes, com roubos, cidades incendiadas, vilarejos destruídos, fazendas saqueadas. Na sociedade israelita antiga, assim como na maioria das civilizações da época, era permitido que o homem possuísse mais que uma esposa.
Um descendente da tribo de Efraim, uma das doze tribos que formava o povo israelita, peregrinava anualmente para oferecer holocaustos e sacrifícios ao grupo sacerdotal que dirigia a liturgia do tabernáculo que ficavaem Silo.
Essa época de peregrinação era comum para milhares de pessoas que deixavam suas cidades em grandes concentrações, ou em excursões familiares individuais para agradecer a Deus as bênçãos cumuladas no ano que se realizou, assim como celebrar através de festas os feitos divinos e os milagres que até então haviam ocorrido, em especial com a geração que saíra do Egito por intermédio de Moisés.
Um descendente da tribo de Efraim, uma das doze tribos que formava o povo israelita, peregrinava anualmente para oferecer holocaustos e sacrifícios ao grupo sacerdotal que dirigia a liturgia do tabernáculo que ficava
O nome do efraimita que viera celebrar em Silo era Elcana. Ele possuía duas mulheres, uma que se chamava Ana e outra nova que se chamava Penina. Tinha filhos e filhas que Penina havia gerado, pois Ana era estéril. Cerca de quatro crianças. Cada ano a numerosa família, desde os tempos idos caminhava até Silo. Numa dessas celebrações ou peregrinações que Elcana ainda adolescente se apaixonou pela jovem Ana. Quando se casaram, os dois iam juntos até Silo. Os anos foram passando e eles continuaram subindo sozinhos até Silo. Para um oriental o nascimento de uma criança é um fato de tremenda celebração, sendo considerado - uma multidão de filhos - como uma grande benção por parte de Deus. A jovem israelita sonhava em ser mãe. A mulher da antiguidade era tida como amaldiçoada ou desafortunada se não tivesse a capacidade de conceber. Muitos casamentos se desfaziam se isso ocorresse. A propriedade em Israel era posse hereditária de uma família, desde que houvesse uma geração futura para dela dispor. Em algum momento de sua vida Elcana compreendeu que não haveria chances que sua esposa engravidasse, e decide desposar uma segunda esposa para ter filhos através dela. A sua segunda mulher era fértil e a cada ano que descia para celebrar as festas em Silo mais um herdeiro era acrescentado a família. Possivelmente na primeira peregrinação até Silo ao lado de Penina, esta já estava grávida. E na época narrada no livro de Samuel a família já contava com 7 pessoas peregrinando até Siló. Muitas dessas peregrinações foram feitas com Penina grávida. Enquanto isso Ana continuava estéril. Penina sabia do grande amor que Elcana nutria pela primeira esposa, não lhe impunha nenhum ônus ou palavra de condenação, não pediu divórcio, apesar dela ser desprezada socialmente. Apesar das acusações familiares por parte dos parentes. Esse amor profundo irritava profundamente a Penina, que ansiava ter todas as atenções voltadas exclusivamente para ela. E desprezava profundamente a Ana. Sem se importar com sua condição, dolorosa para uma mulher de sua época, lançava-lhe em rosto continuamente sua condição de mulher estéril. E a cada filho que lhe nascia mais ela odiava a Ana. A subida até Silo era a coroação dos atos de humilhação que Penina impunha a Ana. Se não o fazia de nodo declarado o mostrava através de atos rituais diante do clero através de ofertas específicas de gratidão por sua fertilidade. Mas o objetivo de Penina não era o de simplesmente celebrar em Silo a benção de mais um filho. Era ser exaltada como mãe, era de deixar bem claro que ela e só ela havia recebido de Deus a capacidade de gerar filhos. Era de contrastar sua condição de mulher vitoriosa com a triste e continua condição de Ana. E Ana sabia disso. Cada ano subindo até Silo era um período de tortura psicológica. Havia uma ceia em particular em que as porções de alimento eram distribuídas e um dos modos de declara predileção por alguém é separa as partes mais nobres do cordeiro ou bezerro após o sacrifício para a pessoa de apreço. Elcana como mestre de cerimônias repartia as porções para todos seus filhos e filhas e para penina e para Ana. E sempre separava as melhores partes para Ana. Penina ultrajada por aquele gesto lançava-lhe no rosto nesse momento toda a vergonha de sua condição de estéril. Sempre acontecia, do mesmo modo, há muitos anos. O principal momento da celebração em Silo era esta ceia e este momento de comunhão em família que para Ana havia se tornado o momento da coroação de sua desesperança. Ela se levantava em prantos e perdia a fome por causa da acusação.
Seus esposo em vão tentava lhe acalmar ou lhe consolar.
Então na manhã seguinte Ana se levanta bem cedo disposta a mudar a história de sua vida. Vai até a entrada da tenda da congregação sozinha, após o término das festividades e das celebrações depois de passado os cultos, após passado os rituais e sacrifícios, sem a presença de um sacerdote, sem músicos, sem alguém para assisti-la. E ali ela se ajoelha e ora de um jeito que não é peculiar à sua época. Homens e mulheres oravam em grupo, ou falando, declarando, levantando as mãos e gesticulando. As orações eram realizadas audivelmente quando em publico. Ana ora como se estivesse sozinha e trancada no quarto de sua casa. E ali ela faz um voto que só conheceremos mais tarde. Ela balbucia palavras em silencio enquanto suas lágrimas descem abundantemente de seus olhos. O sumo-sacerdote foi até a tenda para fazer alguma atividade e ao passar vê a Ana balbuciando em silêncio. Ele olha para seus lábios que se movem sem que deles saiam som. Essa cena lhe é tão espantosa, que ele imagina que ela está bêbada em virtude das inúmeras festividades e celebrações. Então ele a repreende duramente, porque após as festas era um período de sobriedade, de meditação e não para bebedeira. Mas Ana não está bêbada. Ela diz que este gesto de intimidade com Deus é fruto de que está derramando seu coração e sua alma. Ele já sabe porque. Então a abençoa e concorda com sua intercessão. A palavra “amém” significa “seja realizado”. No final de uma benção judaica era pronunciado o amém. Quando Ana se levanta já não está mais chorando. Algo havia acontecido.
O cântico de Ana mostra os mistérios que habitavam seu coração. Nele percebemos a profundidade e ousadia de sua oração e dos sentimentos que a impulsionaram. Ela fala de vitória sobre os inimigos, e claro que é Penina que é vencida, porque não será mais considerada inútil, não poderá mais ser difamada. Ana diz que Deus é poderoso para trazer a alma do Sheol, (sepultura) ou da morte, mostrando que era assim que ela se considerava, como se estivesse morta. Ela fala que os arrogantes serão calados. Penina nunca mais poderia jogar em seu rosto sua condição, porque um milagre mudou sua condição. Ela diz que Deus dá vitória aos seus ungidos, e quando assim o proclama é porque entende quem ela é, ao mesmo tempo em que profetiza sobre o futuro do filho que lhe nasceu. Ana fala da força sendo retirada do forte e concedida ao fraco, o pão dos fartos sendo dado aos famintos e que ela que era estéril, agora seria mãe de filhos. E outra vez, de muitos filhos. Ela vislumbra o futuro. Ela fala de um reino, de um poder que atuou desde os céus. Ana se sente como uma princesa, de que ela foi exaltada.
E no final quando entrega seu filho Samuel para os serviços do tabernáculo, ficamos sem entender porque alguém que orou com tanta fé para ter um filho, agora se despojava dele, já que ao oferecê-lo ao serviço do santuário este seria educado pelos sacerdotes e não pela família em Efraim. Então se revela outra parte do mistério de sua oração. Ela fizera um voto. Ela fizera uma promessa de que o filho que nascesse seria dedicado ao serviço do Senhor.
Ana será mãe de mais cinco filhos. Samuel crescerá e se tornará um dos maiores profetas que a terra já pode contemplar. Haveria uma época em Israel que a palavra que Samuel seria considerado como uma revelação divina. Porque na verdade assim era. Ele atingiu um grau de intimidade tamanho com Deus, que por mais de 50 anos TODAS as profecias e revelações que entregou sobre os assuntos nos quais foi solicitado a interceder ou buscar orientações divinas, ocorreram cabalmente.
O cântico de Ana é pessoal, mas é ao mesmo tempo uma declaração do Espírito de Deus, que através da vitória de Ana reclama para si a vitória de Cristo para todas as nações. A profeta Ana dará luz ao profeta Samuel. E Samuel separará um pastor de ovelhas para ser rei, Davi.
E deste rei, descenderá um dia, um rei,
o rei de toda a terra.
Que como Ana, só que de modo literal,
desceu à sepultura e dela retornou.
E em breve toda a humanidade o contemplará.
o rei de toda a terra.
Que como Ana, só que de modo literal,
desceu à sepultura e dela retornou.
E em breve toda a humanidade o contemplará.
Moses died there are already about 430 years. The Israelites divided the land conquest of Canaan, each tribe of the major ethnic group having its legal counsel, his apparatus of war and its geopolitical issues working in isolation. The people of Israel had a shared history, one language, the same festivals and traditions, but their tribes lived in isolation. Each tribe took care of their own affairs, meeting only on account of religious festivals involving a tabernacle, a temple-shaped single tent that was hundreds of years in the city of Shiloh, or occasions of summons against the war any enemy nation. Among the groups who hated Israel, one in particular made wars and looting ace Israeli towns by more than 200 years. These people were called Philistine. They kept very close with another group known as Phoenicians. The raids on the territory of the tribes were constant, with thefts, cities burned, villages destroyed, looted farms. In ancient Israelite society, as in most civilizations of the time, the man was allowed to possess more than one wife.
A descendant of the tribe of Ephraim, one of the twelve tribes that formed the Israeli people, pilgrimages every year to offer burnt offerings and sacrifices to the priestly group who ran the liturgy of the tabernacle was in Shiloh.
This time it was common pilgrimage for thousands of people who left their cities at high concentrations, or individual family excursions to thank God for the blessings in the year cumulated held, as well as celebrate festivals through the divine deeds and miracles that even then had occurred, particularly with the generation that came out of Egypt by Moses.
The name of the Ephraimite who came to celebrate at Shiloh was Elkanah. He had two wives, one who was called Anna and a new one that was called Penina. He had sons and daughters who had Penina generated because Hannah was barren. About four children. Each year a large family, from ancient times walked to Silo. In one of these celebrations and pilgrimages that Elkanah teenager fell in love with Anne when married couple, the two were together until Shiloh. The years passed and they continued climbing alone until Shiloh. For an Oriental birth of a child is a fact of tremendous celebration, being considered - a crowd of children - as a great blessing from God. The young Israeli dreamed of being a mother. The old woman was seen as cursed or unlucky if you do not have the ability to conceive. Many marriages fell apart if that happened. The property in Israel was hereditary possession of a family where there was a future generation to dispose it. At some point in your life Elkanah knew that there would be no chance that his wife got pregnant, and decides to marry a second wife to have children through her. His second wife was fertile and coming down every year to celebrate the feasts at Shiloh was more an heir to the family added. Possibly the first pilgrimage to Shiloh along with Penina, this was already pregnant. And then narrated in the book of Samuel the family already had seven people on pilgrimage to Shiloh Many of these pilgrimages were made with Penina pregnant. Meanwhile Ana remained sterile. Penina knew the great love he felt for Elkanah's first wife, does not impose any charge or word of condemnation not filed for divorce, although it is socially despised. Despite accusations by family relatives. This deep love deeply irritated Penina, who longed to have all the attention directed exclusively to her. And deeply despised Ana Regardless of his condition, painful for a woman of her time, threw him on his face continually being a woman sterile. And every child born to him the more she hated Ana The climb to Silo was the crowning acts of humiliation imposed on Penina If Anna had not declared the node showed through ritual acts in front of the clergy by offering specific gratitude for their fertility. But the goal of Penina was not simply to celebrate Shiloh's blessing of another child. It was to be exalted as a mother, was to make it clear that she and only she had received from God the ability to bear children. Was to contrast her womanhood victorious and continues with the sad condition of Ana and Ana knew that. Each year up until Shiloh was a period of psychological torture. There was a supper in particular in the food rations were distributed and one way of declaring one's predilection for separating the noble parts of the lamb or calf after the sacrifice of praise to the person. Elkanah as master of ceremonies parted portions for all your sons and daughters and penina And ever and Anne separated the best parts for Hannah Peninnah outraged by that gesture threw in his face at that moment all the shame of their sterile condition . Always happened, so many years ago. The main point of the celebration was at Shiloh, and this supper this moment of communion with the family that for Ana had become the crowning moment of his despair. She stood up in tears and lost the hunger because of the accusation.
Her husband tried in vain to calm him or her comfort.
So the next morning get up early Ana willing to change the story of his life. Go to the entrance of the tabernacle of the congregation alone, after the end of the festivities and celebrations after past cults, passed after the rituals and sacrifices, without the presence of a priest, not musicians, without someone to watch it. And there she kneels and prays in a way that is not peculiar to his time. Men and women prayed in a group, or talking, declaring, raising his hands and gesturing. The prayers were audibly while held in public. Ana sometimes as if he were alone and locked in the room of your home. And there she makes a vow that only know later. She babbles words silently while tears abundantly down his eyes. The high priest went into the tent to do some activity and see Ana go quietly babbling. He looks at his lips moving without sound come out of them. This scene is so amazing to him, he imagines that she is drunk because of the many festivals and celebrations. Then he scolds her harshly, because after the holidays was a period of sobriety, meditation and not for drunkenness. But Anna is not drunk. She says that this gesture of intimacy with God is the fruit that is pouring his heart and soul. He knows why. So bless it and agree to his intercession. The word "amen" means "to be done." At the end of a Jewish blessing was pronounced the amen. When Hannah gets up is no longer crying. Something had happened.
The song of Hannah shows the mysteries that inhabit your heart. In it we see the depth and boldness of his prayers and sentiments that propelled. She speaks of victory over enemies, and Penina course is that it is unsuccessful, because it will no longer be considered worthless, can no longer be defamed. Ana says that God is able to bring the soul from Sheol (the grave) or death, showing that this was how she felt, as if dead. She says the arrogant will be silent. Penina never could throw in his face his condition, because a miracle has changed their condition. She says that God gives victory to his anointed, and when so proclaimed is because she understands who she is, while they prophesy about the future of her son was born. Ana talks about the power being removed from the strong and the weak granted, tired of being the bread to the hungry and given that she was barren, now would be the mother of children. And again, many children. She sees the future. It speaks of a kingdom, a power that acted from the heavens. Ana feels like a princess, she was elated.
And at the end when he delivers his son Samuel to the service of the tabernacle, we do not understand why someone who prayed with much faith to have a child, now stripped of it, since the offer it to the sanctuary service this would be educated by priests and not by the family in Ephraim. Then he shows another part of the mystery of his prayer. She had a vote. She made a promise that the child born would be dedicated to serving the Lord.
Ana is a mother of five children. Samuel will grow and become one of the greatest prophets that the land can now contemplate. Was there a time in Israel that the word that Samuel would be regarded as a divine revelation. For indeed it was. He attained a degree of intimacy with God size, which for over 50 years ALL the prophecies and revelations that he gave on the issues that have been asked to intercede or seek divine guidance, fully occurred.
The song of Hannah is personal, but at the same time a declaration of God's Spirit, that through the victory of Ana claims to the victory of Christ to all nations. The prophet Anna give birth to the prophet Samuel. And Samuel separate a shepherd to be king, David.
And this king, descend one day, a king,
King of all the earth.
That as Ana, only literally,
descended into the grave and returned it.
And soon all mankind behold him.
A descendant of the tribe of Ephraim, one of the twelve tribes that formed the Israeli people, pilgrimages every year to offer burnt offerings and sacrifices to the priestly group who ran the liturgy of the tabernacle was in Shiloh.
This time it was common pilgrimage for thousands of people who left their cities at high concentrations, or individual family excursions to thank God for the blessings in the year cumulated held, as well as celebrate festivals through the divine deeds and miracles that even then had occurred, particularly with the generation that came out of Egypt by Moses.
The name of the Ephraimite who came to celebrate at Shiloh was Elkanah. He had two wives, one who was called Anna and a new one that was called Penina. He had sons and daughters who had Penina generated because Hannah was barren. About four children. Each year a large family, from ancient times walked to Silo. In one of these celebrations and pilgrimages that Elkanah teenager fell in love with Anne when married couple, the two were together until Shiloh. The years passed and they continued climbing alone until Shiloh. For an Oriental birth of a child is a fact of tremendous celebration, being considered - a crowd of children - as a great blessing from God. The young Israeli dreamed of being a mother. The old woman was seen as cursed or unlucky if you do not have the ability to conceive. Many marriages fell apart if that happened. The property in Israel was hereditary possession of a family where there was a future generation to dispose it. At some point in your life Elkanah knew that there would be no chance that his wife got pregnant, and decides to marry a second wife to have children through her. His second wife was fertile and coming down every year to celebrate the feasts at Shiloh was more an heir to the family added. Possibly the first pilgrimage to Shiloh along with Penina, this was already pregnant. And then narrated in the book of Samuel the family already had seven people on pilgrimage to Shiloh Many of these pilgrimages were made with Penina pregnant. Meanwhile Ana remained sterile. Penina knew the great love he felt for Elkanah's first wife, does not impose any charge or word of condemnation not filed for divorce, although it is socially despised. Despite accusations by family relatives. This deep love deeply irritated Penina, who longed to have all the attention directed exclusively to her. And deeply despised Ana Regardless of his condition, painful for a woman of her time, threw him on his face continually being a woman sterile. And every child born to him the more she hated Ana The climb to Silo was the crowning acts of humiliation imposed on Penina If Anna had not declared the node showed through ritual acts in front of the clergy by offering specific gratitude for their fertility. But the goal of Penina was not simply to celebrate Shiloh's blessing of another child. It was to be exalted as a mother, was to make it clear that she and only she had received from God the ability to bear children. Was to contrast her womanhood victorious and continues with the sad condition of Ana and Ana knew that. Each year up until Shiloh was a period of psychological torture. There was a supper in particular in the food rations were distributed and one way of declaring one's predilection for separating the noble parts of the lamb or calf after the sacrifice of praise to the person. Elkanah as master of ceremonies parted portions for all your sons and daughters and penina And ever and Anne separated the best parts for Hannah Peninnah outraged by that gesture threw in his face at that moment all the shame of their sterile condition . Always happened, so many years ago. The main point of the celebration was at Shiloh, and this supper this moment of communion with the family that for Ana had become the crowning moment of his despair. She stood up in tears and lost the hunger because of the accusation.
Her husband tried in vain to calm him or her comfort.
So the next morning get up early Ana willing to change the story of his life. Go to the entrance of the tabernacle of the congregation alone, after the end of the festivities and celebrations after past cults, passed after the rituals and sacrifices, without the presence of a priest, not musicians, without someone to watch it. And there she kneels and prays in a way that is not peculiar to his time. Men and women prayed in a group, or talking, declaring, raising his hands and gesturing. The prayers were audibly while held in public. Ana sometimes as if he were alone and locked in the room of your home. And there she makes a vow that only know later. She babbles words silently while tears abundantly down his eyes. The high priest went into the tent to do some activity and see Ana go quietly babbling. He looks at his lips moving without sound come out of them. This scene is so amazing to him, he imagines that she is drunk because of the many festivals and celebrations. Then he scolds her harshly, because after the holidays was a period of sobriety, meditation and not for drunkenness. But Anna is not drunk. She says that this gesture of intimacy with God is the fruit that is pouring his heart and soul. He knows why. So bless it and agree to his intercession. The word "amen" means "to be done." At the end of a Jewish blessing was pronounced the amen. When Hannah gets up is no longer crying. Something had happened.
The song of Hannah shows the mysteries that inhabit your heart. In it we see the depth and boldness of his prayers and sentiments that propelled. She speaks of victory over enemies, and Penina course is that it is unsuccessful, because it will no longer be considered worthless, can no longer be defamed. Ana says that God is able to bring the soul from Sheol (the grave) or death, showing that this was how she felt, as if dead. She says the arrogant will be silent. Penina never could throw in his face his condition, because a miracle has changed their condition. She says that God gives victory to his anointed, and when so proclaimed is because she understands who she is, while they prophesy about the future of her son was born. Ana talks about the power being removed from the strong and the weak granted, tired of being the bread to the hungry and given that she was barren, now would be the mother of children. And again, many children. She sees the future. It speaks of a kingdom, a power that acted from the heavens. Ana feels like a princess, she was elated.
And at the end when he delivers his son Samuel to the service of the tabernacle, we do not understand why someone who prayed with much faith to have a child, now stripped of it, since the offer it to the sanctuary service this would be educated by priests and not by the family in Ephraim. Then he shows another part of the mystery of his prayer. She had a vote. She made a promise that the child born would be dedicated to serving the Lord.
Ana is a mother of five children. Samuel will grow and become one of the greatest prophets that the land can now contemplate. Was there a time in Israel that the word that Samuel would be regarded as a divine revelation. For indeed it was. He attained a degree of intimacy with God size, which for over 50 years ALL the prophecies and revelations that he gave on the issues that have been asked to intercede or seek divine guidance, fully occurred.
The song of Hannah is personal, but at the same time a declaration of God's Spirit, that through the victory of Ana claims to the victory of Christ to all nations. The prophet Anna give birth to the prophet Samuel. And Samuel separate a shepherd to be king, David.
And this king, descend one day, a king,
King of all the earth.
That as Ana, only literally,
descended into the grave and returned it.
And soon all mankind behold him.
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