
Edição numero 2 de 1945 da resvista Elle
Welington Corporation.
Milhares de magazines ao redor do mundo, telenovelas, peças teatrais discursam sobre o poder da mulher.

Quando as moças são voluptuosas elas vestem-se com vestidos decotados e desejam mostrar-se, anseiam ser vistas no resplendor de sua forma física usando roupas que acentuem cada detalhe que seja desejável de seus corpos; porque elas conscientemente percebem que são capazes de mover o imaginário masculino.

Meninas diante do espelho maquiam-se e falam para si mesmas: Nada poderá perturbá-las,. Quando mais lindas elas se sentem, mais se entendem poderosas.

Quando maior o poder de atração mais fortes as mulheres se sentem neste contexto.
Há um forte elo entre sentir-se desejada e a sensação de domínio que não conseguem explicar. Usam a sedução como arma e creem que o poder desta ferramenta é o que necessitam para obter o que desejarem.

O resumo dessa história é que: o exercício da sedução as insere num mundo que se desvanece a medida que envelhecem.
Um mundo que é poderoso em sua juventude, capaz de conquistar chances e pessoas, uma força capaz de atrair pretendentes e até criar vínculos contanto que o poder de sedução seja exercido; mas, completamente dependente de uma sexualidade que é somente um pedaço de nossas almas. Uma pequena e diminuta parte de tudo aquilo que somos.
Como se o impulso sexual do desejo de sedução respondesse completamente pela mulherque insiste em representar;
Concederam à sedução uma voz poderosa, para disfarçar sua impotência. Para disfarçar sua incapacidade de libertar. Para atenuar sua incapacidade de encantar.
A sedução, apesar de tudo que representa e expressa a feminilidade, é uma sombra mentirosa. Ela aparenta poder para esconder sua fragilidade. O universo do coração humano é adornado de coisas belíssimas que vão além de sua sexualidade;
A modernidade e a promiscuidade trouxeram a permissividade, afrouxaram os padrões de conduta através de uma tremenda mudança de paradigmas culturais e uma propaganda intensa, extensa , continua e incessante do sexo descompromissado.
O homem busca o mistério feminino em um jardim fechado. Porque nele há algo especial. Sublime.
A mulher possui um mistério naquilo que diz respeito a sua sexualidade.
Ela necessita de amparo, necessita do segredo de um jardim. Não prescinde de querer seu exercício em aposentos reais; Não despreza a necessidade de uma ligação humana que permaneça.
Outro dia uma moça escreveu uma monografia cujo titulo era "O lugar onde o sol jamais brilha possui possuidor" falando a respeito das mulheres estupradas em milhares de festas regadas a álcool.
Porque na sociedade moderna os homens são amantes de si mesmos. Não se importam com mais ninguém que não interesse as suas próprias intenções.
A sexualidade humana é algo cujo exercício sadio não possui preço.
A expressão "valorização do corpo" não chega perto de expressar o verdadeiro significado da mulher valorizar a si mesma; no intuito de preservar o poder impressionante dos valores da união com uma pessoa amada cujos sonhos ultrapassem os limites impostos pela cultura moderna torta; em virtude do marketing distorcido, tendo como consequência uma perspectiva miserável a respeito do que significa amar alguém.
Não entregue sua juventude a quem não ama tua alegria. Não entregue o corpo a quem não preserva a tua identidade. Para quem não se importe com a tua idoneidade;
Para quem não possui um sonho que considere o amanhã. Que o que você moça e sua beleza admirável possam ser tão bem guardadas que qualquer homem esteja disposto a lutar - com todos os seus recursos, com sua poesia, com sua voz, com seus bens e com seu trabalho - pelo direito de viver o mistério do seu amor, que é único, porque pertence a você.




Preserve seu coração exigindo a afeto sem o qual o mundo ficará um pouco mais cinza a cada manhã.
Faz parte da natureza humana, a paixão, o envolvimento, a amizade e a vontade de permanecer vivendo junto de quem se une fisicamente a você; Isso é tão forte quanto a soma de nossos desejos.
Sem afeto e sem esperança de um projeto de vida o que resta são experiências que não podem alimentar sua alegria.

E sem felicidade a voz da sedução é só um ronco de um velho automóvel da General Motors um minuto antes de bater por falta de óleo numa estrada que vai de Salvador em direção a Feira de Santana.

Edition number 2 of 1945 resvista Elle
Thousands of magazines around the world , soap operas , dramas speeches about the power of women.
Girls do makeup in the mirror and say to themselves : Nothing can disturb them . When they feel more beautiful , more powerful being understood .
When these girls are voluptuous dress with low-cut dresses and want to show up , eager to be seen in the glare of his physical form wearing clothes that accentuate every detail that is desirable from their bodies, because consciously realize she are able to move the male imaginary .
The higher the power of attraction stronger women feel in this context .
There is a strong link between feeling and feel desired domain they can not explain . She use seduction as a weapon and believe that the power of this tool is what they need to get what you want .
The summary of this story is that : the exercise of the seduction part of a world that fades as they age .
A world that is powerful in its youth, capable of winning chances and people , a force able to attract suitors and even create links as long as the power of seduction is exercised , but completely dependent on a sexuality that is only one piece of our souls . A small, tiny part of everything we are .
The seduction , perhaps it represents and expresses only a piece of femininity , is a shadow liar . She seems to be able to hide their fragility . The universe of the human heart is adorned with beautiful things that go beyond their sexuality ;
Modernity brought permissiveness and promiscuity , loosened the standards of conduct through a tremendous change of cultural paradigms and intensive propaganda , extensive , continuous and incessant about uncommitted sex .
As if the sexual impulse of desire seduction answered completely by the womens that insists to represent ;
Granted to seduction a powerful voice to disguise their impotence. To disguise his inability to break free. To mitigate their inability to enchant .
The man seeks female mystery in an enclosed garden . Because it 's something special . Sublime .
The woman has a mystery in what concerns their sexuality .
She needs protection, need a secret garden. She do not want to waive your exercise in royal chambers , she not away with the need of a human connection that remains .
The other day a girl wrote an essay whose title was " The place where the sun never shines possessor has " talking about women raped in thousands of alcohol -fueled parties .
Because in modern society men are lovers of themselves . Do not bother with anyone else that does not interest their own intentions .
Healthy human sexuality exercise is something which has no price.
The term " appreciation of the body " does not come close to expressing the true meaning of women appreciate themselves , in order to preserve the awesome power of the values of the union with a loved one whose dreams exceed the limits imposed by modern culture pie , by the marketing distorted , resulting in a perspective miserable about what it means to love someone .
Undelivered his youth who does not love your joy . Undelivered body who does not preserve your identity . For those who do not care about your dreams ;
Thousands of magazines around the world , soap operas , dramas speeches about the power of women.
Girls do makeup in the mirror and say to themselves : Nothing can disturb them . When they feel more beautiful , more powerful being understood .
When these girls are voluptuous dress with low-cut dresses and want to show up , eager to be seen in the glare of his physical form wearing clothes that accentuate every detail that is desirable from their bodies, because consciously realize she are able to move the male imaginary .
The higher the power of attraction stronger women feel in this context .
There is a strong link between feeling and feel desired domain they can not explain . She use seduction as a weapon and believe that the power of this tool is what they need to get what you want .
The summary of this story is that : the exercise of the seduction part of a world that fades as they age .
A world that is powerful in its youth, capable of winning chances and people , a force able to attract suitors and even create links as long as the power of seduction is exercised , but completely dependent on a sexuality that is only one piece of our souls . A small, tiny part of everything we are .
The seduction , perhaps it represents and expresses only a piece of femininity , is a shadow liar . She seems to be able to hide their fragility . The universe of the human heart is adorned with beautiful things that go beyond their sexuality ;
Modernity brought permissiveness and promiscuity , loosened the standards of conduct through a tremendous change of cultural paradigms and intensive propaganda , extensive , continuous and incessant about uncommitted sex .
As if the sexual impulse of desire seduction answered completely by the womens that insists to represent ;
Granted to seduction a powerful voice to disguise their impotence. To disguise his inability to break free. To mitigate their inability to enchant .
The man seeks female mystery in an enclosed garden . Because it 's something special . Sublime .
The woman has a mystery in what concerns their sexuality .
She needs protection, need a secret garden. She do not want to waive your exercise in royal chambers , she not away with the need of a human connection that remains .
The other day a girl wrote an essay whose title was " The place where the sun never shines possessor has " talking about women raped in thousands of alcohol -fueled parties .
Because in modern society men are lovers of themselves . Do not bother with anyone else that does not interest their own intentions .
Healthy human sexuality exercise is something which has no price.
The term " appreciation of the body " does not come close to expressing the true meaning of women appreciate themselves , in order to preserve the awesome power of the values of the union with a loved one whose dreams exceed the limits imposed by modern culture pie , by the marketing distorted , resulting in a perspective miserable about what it means to love someone .
Undelivered his youth who does not love your joy . Undelivered body who does not preserve your identity . For those who do not care about your dreams ;
For those who do not have a dream that consider tomorrow. You girl and her striking beauty can be so guarded that any man is willing to fight - with all its resources, his poetry , his voice , his goods and his work - the right to live with you the mystery of his love , which is unique because it belongs to you .Preserve your heart demanding affection without which the world will be a little more gray each morning .It is part of human nature , passion , engagement , friendship and desire to remain living together who joins you physically ; This is as strong as the sum of our desires .Without affection and without hope of a life project that remains are experiences that can not feed their joy .And the voice of seduction without happiness is just a rumble of an old car from General Motors a minute before burning the engine for lack of oil in a road leading from Salvador towards Feira de Santana .
Welington Corporation.
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