About Contamination of the Universe Cantaresde Solomon.
The universe of Song of Songs has value only uncontaminated.
Their perfumes are very fine, the essences described in the book of proficient performers of antiquity, are the fruit of laborious processo de production.
Their manufacture is the result of a fine chemical.
Joash the Song of Solomon are rare excellence of goldsmiths of the time.
The fruit in Song of Solomon are the most excellent, the landscapes described in the book are stunning.
The robes worn by the girl in love have a joyous use of color.
And such a landscape, spiritually speaking, would give us uplifting messages this way.
If the scenes are uncontaminated.
Full of life. Not would dazzle us with a girl dressed in rags. Not would dazzle us in a shepherd turned mercenary. Not would enchant us a garden full of nettles, and filled with wilted weed.
Not enchant us see the "Beloved" herding among cacti, or know that perfumes were ruined by carelessness in its manufacture.
If instead of perfumes, odors desgradaveis. If instead the beauty of the Shunammite, the ugliness of a witch.
The even Solomon in Ecclesiastes teaches us that a single dead fly falling during the preparation of the most expensive perfume could spoil it.
If instead of "spilled wine that goes down smoothly" was poured vinegar.
Every evil doctrine, every lie, every false prophecy, every bad interpretation of Scripture acts as a damping beauty of the garden. One of the names that most know the Song of Songs, with beautiful views over the text, certainly granted through tremendous revelations for many years issued a jarring note fruit of prophetic superb cursing all members who disassociate themselves with it the loss of salvation . The revelation does not save, so little angelic visitation. The body of Christ does not save. Not the church was granted on earth, be it the loyal Virgo or a synagogue of Satan's the power of salvation. Ministries do not save. Salvation is in Christ and only in Christ. The mystery extends beyond the walls of salvation and the camp of God's people. The mother of all prophecy has already determined:
Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Disobedience causes problems. Generates poverty. Carries the yoke. But salvation is a mystery that goes beyond Scripture. Paul tells us about a divine word written in the hearts of all men. A natural gospel, and that homensserão judged, all who have ever known the full gospel through this gospel:
"Those who perished by the Law, the Law will be judged, those who died without law, without Law will be judged"
Not been granted to any ministry that is anointed by most, the task or the exclusivity of a mystery that belongs only to Christ.
Doctrinal errors, fallacies, lies repeated numerous times, lined with air holiness, destroy all the beauty of the garden, however beautiful it is or was.
Prophetic issues underlying ...
Freed from slavery / the constraints imposed by contemporary tools of theology
The Prophet embrace the Master, equally and together will travel the paths of Song.
Theology often stands as lady of the principles of interpretation, becoming her a frustrated man's attempt to dethrone the Prophecy.
Nothing negates the need for the anointing and teaching of God's Spirit.
The tragedy is not its theological body of doctrine or their tools. His tragedy happens when she tries to sit in the place that does not belong to him, the chair of the prophets.
Not are teaching or doctrine of a church that may become deep and mature without the Spirit of God, without his revelation, without his guidance, without its improvement granted not by rules of hermeneutics, but the application of spiritual principles according to will of the Holy Spirit.
One Holy Spirit mute does not exist.
This, frighteningly (for some) leads us to say with some violence:
The Canon is not closed.
We affirm that the "letter" will always be, to a spiritual church, insufficient.
The letter kills.
Means that there is the written Word the resources needed to establish the fullness of divine revelation.
That is of such size that is written and described in ecology, the cosmos, the structure of life.
God not only reveals in Scripture, because his greatness can not be contained even by the universe, let alone for 66 books.
Human language, transcription and the use of words is a tool that communicates to us, limitedly, divine things.
The Written Word is like a love letter ever replaces the embrace of the passionate couple.
Not describe in words the beauty of Ashvarya Rai. We can not.
Without a picture, which would have is only a shadow.
And likewise extremely high image resolution are not able to translate the presence of Deepika Padukone.
The word is the reduction of three-dimensional reality to a single dimension.
The image is a reduction in reality only two. Imagine one's relationship by letters.
There are no words to describe the difference between a letter and the presence and embrace of someone you love.
The Word is not complete, it does not follow, does not limit to itself the wonderful presence of God.
There is a bibliolatry today, which generates Talmuds for generating theology.
Talmuds are lengthy treatises on Judaism thousands of prescriptions, derived from oral traditions and interpretations of rabbis, who became the sole rule of interpretation of scripture pair Jews.
On the other side of the balance, even in the Jewish sphere, we have the mystical books such as Kabbalah, narrating spiritual realities and prophecies that were never issued by God. All imagined.
Every untruth, spiritual limitation, all spurious doctrine, rough, empty interpretations, full of disbelief, came from teachers who rejected the prophetic counsel. By rejecting the voice of the prophets, the rejection of the direction of the prophecy.
Prophecy is the sister of Revelation. In this study interchangeably use the word the word Prophecy and Revelation, or luminance.
Because the great feature of the Prophet is to see the hidden things, seeing the invisible, dazzle the mysteries and expose what was not public knowledge. By Prophet in this study will designate both the ministry Prophetic, Prophecy, Revelation and the Prophet. To simplify.
Human theology is often deified. She looks humility invoking the Scripture TOTAL SUBMISSION, enslaving men to LIMITS WRITTEN WORD instead of Divine inspiration.
In the name of "Sola Scripturas" false teachers vehemently rejected absurdly imcompreensivelmente the Holy Spirit without which no SPIRITUAL LIFE.
In this context hundreds of schools teaching the Scriptures embraced the pride, of this COMPLETELY despise the prophetic character of Scripture as well as the need for additional revelation to the disciplines of interpretation, limited by the imposition of the "letter."